Monday, October 28, 2019

Promoting Innovation

After reading over the eight values of free expression, I believe that the seventh value is the most important. The seventh value of free expression is to promote innovation. When promoting innovation, people are inspired to fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways.

Image retrieved from Sloan Review.

In a society where free speech is valued, it's citizens are more likely to be creative and engaged in their interests. For example, as someone who aspires to have a career in the communications field, hopefully something in print journalism, I am trying to gain as much experience in college before it is time to apply for jobs post-grad.

Being surrounded by others who have a passion to pursue their goals makes myself even more inspired to succeed. I believe that the idea of promoting innovation is extremely powerful because it fosters the belief system that everyone can succeed in their own creative ways within society.

I also believe that the seventh value of free expression is slightly underrated. I think people take certain opportunities for granted. For example, someone who grows up in a family where both of their parents are bankers will be more inclined to become a banker when they get older. By settling with their family's roles, this individual holds back some of their creativity to pursue other careers. I believe that this individual should look at other career options before settling because they might discover other interests along the way that they might like better.

The value of promoting innovation is very inspiring, especially for college students. We are at a perfect time in our lives to explore the opportunities that the world provides. Promoting innovation and creativity will only better society because it will influence people to succeed and go their own path.

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