Monday, September 30, 2019

We Live in a Mad World

We live in a world centered around technology, wondering what the newest gadget is on the market, how we can get it, who else has it, etc. Although the advancement of technology has improved communication and media outlets, it has significantly deteriorated people's well-being.

Image retrieved from YouTube.

After watching the "Mad World Remix of Moby" video, it is evident that today's world is no longer viewed from the surface, but through posts and interactions on a screen. In the video, the main character is surrounded by people looking at their phones. He gets trampled over, is constantly ignored, and looks very upset that no one is paying attention to him.

The video demonstrates various trends within the media. The selfie, texting, people taking pictures of their food, and a demonstration of the popular dating app "Tinder." Other than the popular trends, the video shows a darker side to the media. One of the shots was of an unhealthy looking girl suddenly looking beautiful and healthy online and another was a woman getting injections to portray herself as someone that she's not to impress others. These shots portray a self image issue that is happening to many young girls in today's social media craze. Many people feel like they need to look a certain way to be well-liked by society or to get the most likes on social media. However, this is causing people, especially young girls, to be very self deprecating and reliant on their peers' opinions to feel wanted instead of having the self confidence to feel wanted by themselves.

Another issue this video highlights is cyberbullying. For example, the shot of the girl dancing that was posted all over social media. People were making fun of her and the harassment pushed herself to take her own life. This shows just how damaging the media can be. If someone is willing to end their life over comments made by others through the Internet, it proves how toxic technology and social media are.

Everyone is constantly behind their screens instead of paying attention to what is going on right in front of them. It is depressing to watch other's put themselves down due to the media and I hope we can all come to an agreement that technology is only good to a certain extent. We get so caught up with our own images and competing against one another that we fail to notice that the world is slowly turning into black and white.

Related Video:
Mad World

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