Monday, December 2, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein's Prison Guards Put In Custody

Two prison guards on duty the night of American financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s death were put in custody with the FBI Tuesday, November 19 and will be brought to federal court in Manhattan to face their charges.

Image retrieved from Star Tribune.

Epstein’s August 10th death in the Metropolitan Correction Center was ruled as a suicide by an NYC chief medical examiner, but a medical examiner hired by Epstein’s legal team disagreed on the ruling.

The first officer on duty that night was a previous corrections officer that had been relocated and the second officer was a fully trained female guard. Both of these guards were working overtime, but it is unknown whether or not this was mandatory. 

Bureau of Prisons Director Kathleen Hawk Sawyer testified on Tuesday that the FBI is continuing to investigate the death and the possibility of a criminal enterprise. Sawyer said she does not have any evidence that disagrees with any medical examiner’s findings.

In my opinion, I think it is very obvious as to what happened on the night of August 10th. I believe that the guards either killed Epstein or were at least aware that he was committing suicide in his jail cell. If the two guards were doing their job correctly, they would not have let the suicide happen, which leads me to think that it was a murder. It will be interesting to see how the rest of this case plays out and what evidence will be brought to court.

Related Articles:
Jeffrey Epstein

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Jeffrey Epstein's Prison Guards Put In Custody

Two prison guards on duty the night of American financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s death were put in custody with the F...