Sunday, October 13, 2019

Matt Lauer’s Ongoing Controversy

Matt Lauer, former cohost of NBC's Today show, has really never left the news at all. In 2017, he was fired from the network for inappropriate sexual behavior and his wrongful actions are still occurring today.

Image retrieved from Hollywood Reporter.

In October 2019, a new book will be released  called, “Catch and Kill” that explicitly explains the sexual encounters between Lauer and an NBC employee. The details are beyond crude. Interestingly enough, former co-host, Katie Couric, has started writing a book about Lauer and the scandal as well. One source said the book will “paralyze him with fear.”

Lauer is reportedly hiding away from the public eye at his home in The Hamptons. His home reports to be on the market for $44 million. He purchased the 6+ acre compound with 12 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, two guest houses, pool, and waterfront from Richard Gere.

Aside from his luxury mansion, at one point in time Lauer said it was his ‘full time job’ to make things right. So what is he spending his time doing while he’s hiding away in this luxurious home? Dating a blonde in her 20's. It’s truly a mystery if Lauer will ever make his ‘full time job’ a reality.

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